The ornament for my secret swap partner is purchased and ready to be wrapped. It should be in the mail no later then Monday! I hope she likes it. I've been reading her blog and she is a HOOT!!! ;)
"LIFE is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away"
Seriously, my sister-in-law bought me this book for my birthday and when I read that it was about vampires I was like, "Really? Are you kidding me"? But, she and many many others convinced me it was worth reading. I am now more then halfway through book 4. It has been SO good. I cannot wait until Friday. It's going to be crazy. I'm thinking maybe I should buy my tickets online. Hmmmmm......
Wyatt in his Baseball getup and Garrett as Darth Vader
Colten and Jatai
The trick-or-treat gang