Monday, September 22, 2008

"Not me!" Monday

I follow MckMama's blog on a daily basis. Ok Ok, so I am what one might call a! She has started a "Not ME" Monday and hers are hilarious as are alot of others. When you get a chance, head over to her blog to not only do this fun carnival, but read up on her and Baby Stellan (aka: "mckmuffin"). Ok, here goes:
  • i DID NOT stay in bed almost all day yesterday...nope i didn't!
  • i DID NOT then stay up until 2 am working on a blog makeover...really, i didn't!
  • I DID NOT get irratated with my daughter when she informed me that she didn't want hot lunch today, so I would need to pack her a lunch which would make me get up from the computer that I was NOT on!
  • i DID NOT rush my kids out the door for school this morning, almost being late because I was reading all the "I did not's"
  • And I more certianly HAVE NOT stayed in my pj's all morning reading through them all and not doing a dang thing around this house...because, seriously my house is spotless....NOT!

What have you NOT done this week?

1 comment:

Alicia W. said...

Thanks Michelle for stopping by my blog! I love yours and I'll put you on a list of my top reads!! Stop by anytime. :o) have a great day