Just checking to make sure you receive an email from me with your ornament swap partner's info. If you received it no need to reply - just let me know if you didn't. Check your spam filter too! : )
Bryan and I have been married for almost 12 years. He works for SRP and has been there 12 years. He works very hard to provide for us and we are grateful for everything he does. I am lucky enough to be a stay at home mom to Madison and Colten. It is great to be able to be there for them. I have enjoyed being home with them since they were born. :) Madison is now 10 1/2 years old and is so sweet and caring. She loves taking care of everyone. Colten is 8 and can literally light up a room with his smile. They are both the best things in our life and we feel so blessed to be their mom and dad. I started this blog as a way to preserve all the memories. Both Colten and Madison enjoy sitting down and looking through this.
Good Girl!!!!
Just checking to make sure you receive an email from me with your ornament swap partner's info. If you received it no need to reply - just let me know if you didn't. Check your spam filter too! : )
Julie from Abbilyeverafter.com
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