Saturday, June 21, 2008

Colten is 8!!!

It is unbelievable how time flies!! Eight years old..... (gasp). You are so handsome and so sweet! You are such a joy to have in my life and your dad and I are so honored to be your parents. You make each and every day special. And like I always tell you, your eyes just have a sparkle to them that brings a smile to my face.

This year, we had a pool party with family and friends. Everyone had a great time despite the heat....116! Can you say SCORCHER??

This was one of Colten's birthday gifts. A basketball hoop for the pool!! How awesome is that? He absolutely loves it!

I decided to make Colten's cake this year, since he L-O-V-E-'S this chocolate cake. We decorated it with some sprinkles and topped it off with some transformers. (His favorite movie of all time!) FYI.

And then of course there was a special request to Nana. Back in March she had made this cake for his cousin Austin, so he told her back then that he specifically wanted this cake on his birthday. You'll notice why.....see those gold things on the cake??? Yep, gold coins. The boy loves money!! lol

And for your viewing are some photos of him opening his gifts......

And of course we had to end it with...what else??? THE MONEY SHOT!!!!!

Thanks everyone, for coming out and celebrating Colten's birthday with him. He had a great birthday!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

AWWW...what a punkin! The boys sure did have a good time at the party. So happy they are getting to spend time together.