Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

So we had a party planned at our house for Halloween tonight. Guests included, friends, family and neighbors. Lots-o-kids!!! It was fun, we started off with pizza, but of course the kids barely ate as they couldn't wait to hit the pavement and go get all the treats!

Madison as a Go-Go Dancer

Colten dressed in his Football gear!

Wyatt in his Baseball getup and Garrett as Darth Vader

Look Out! Here come the diva's!!!

Colten and Jatai

The trick-or-treat gang


Kim said...

What a group. And if you'll notice Garrett has his mask on upside down..what a goober.

Michelle said...

Hahaha!! That's too funny. I hadn't noticed that he had it on upside down. Atleast he didn't run into any "parked" cars (suburbans) THAT night!! roflmao J/ know I love your son! ;~)